lisrch.exe 231 kilobytes
Special requirements: MFC42.DLL and MSVCRT.DLL, click here to see whether the file(s) already exists on your computer, if not, you can download mfcdll.exe. It will install the DLL`s in your \Windows\System directory
Windows 95 - 98. LightningSearch v1.03. This is an excellent multiple-file text search and replace utility which has a DOS wildcard-based file filter (*.* means 'all files', *.htm* means any file with an extension which starts with HTM, etc) and allows recursing sub-directories so it will optionally search all sub-directories beneath the targeted directory. If, for example, you wish to change the same text string in a number of documents then this utility would be perfect. Can do multiple line searches. It is exceptionally fast and can even find text strings within binary files (concerning binary files: read the ReadMe.txt first) though not in ZIP archives. After making a replacement it automatically saves the file so it pays to have a backup of the original. Results are displayed in a window and placed alphabetically. You can make the search case sensitive or case insensitive. The interface is simple and intuitive, very few people should require further assistance to use this program. The Helpfile is a simple readme.txt. Overall it is small, fast and easy to use. Screenshot here 655 kilobytes
Win Easy will search and replace text from multiple files in a directory. Features include the ability of searching subdirectories for files, the option to create back up files, the ability to make Win Easy ask your permission before opening each file. The program allows you to choose whether or not your search should be case sensitive, and also includes the option to ignore certain characters such as spaces, tabs and carriage return markers. Screenshot here