Freeware Index

A powerfull HTML editor, many features

author`s web site 366.1 kilobytes

HTMLtool v1.6 is a 32-bit Windows HTML editor. The program includes dialogs for almost every HTML tag, your choice of lowercase or uppercase tags, and Script Wizard. It features assistants for style sheets, tables, lists, and URLs, automatic tag removal, and a Java kit with ready-to-run applets. More features include its pure 32-bit code, conversion of HTML files to C and Perl CGI or JavaScript, and reading of Unix. It has an easy MDI interface, an option to include an external HTML reference help file, user-defined tags, and unlimited file-size editing 2.27 megabytes

An HTML editor with many options. For those who have MS Internet Explorer on their system, SiteAid contains a built in browser to view the documents. SiteAid also allows easy configuration allowing your favorite browser as a preview tool for your creations. For both the beginner and experienced HTML author, SiteAid provides numerous helpers to make tasks such as body attribute selection, tables, frames, lists, links and images easy to insert

author`s web site 1.01 megabytes

Webford is an HTML editor for Windows that makes it easy for anybody to create and edit pages for the World Wide Web. Webford does not attempt to provide every HTML facility available, making it much simpler to use, but does provide easy access to all of the most commonly used HTML tags. It includes features such as a wizard, pre-defined forms and JavaScript functions, and enables you to create Web pages based on your own templates. Webford is compatible with Windows 3.1 - 95

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